Community Events

American Radiology Services Supports Christopher Place

Christopher Place began as a day shelter in 1983; it later became an employment academy in 1996. The purpose of Christopher Place Employment Academy (CPEA) is to teach formerly homeless men job and life skills they will need to succeed on their own. CPEA prepares the men to live on their own through GED courses, computer classes, substance abuse counseling, and spiritual support. The clients of CPEA aren’t limited to the Baltimore area; they come from all over the country, places like North Carolina and Pennsylvania. They come hoping for that second chance to turn their lives around, and Christopher Place provides them with the tools they need to make that happen.

American Radiology Services (ARS) has been a supporter of CPEA in Baltimore City since 2000. ARS employees provide and serve lunch to CPEA’s clients at job readiness graduations throughout the year and at CPEA’s holiday luncheon at the end of the year. Job readiness graduations celebrate and recognize those individuals who have worked hard to graduate to the next step in the program and are prepared to begin employment. At the holiday luncheon, ARS employees donate gifts and serve lunch. The luncheons at CPEA provide a great experience; they offer the chance to mingle with the men and learn their stories.

We always need volunteers to help organize the lunches with Christopher Place. If you would like to donate or serve food at their next luncheon, please contact Heather at [email protected].

*Roughly 81% of the men who begin the CPEA program, become “job ready”; of those, 100% become employed and 55% retain their job for more than one year.

*statistics provided by Christopher Place Employment Academy, 2007

Christopher Place group photo

Christopher Place lunch

Stride 2 Provide
5k Run, Walk, Roll & Stroll!
American Radiology Services (ARS) has been a supporter of Christopher Place Employment Academy (CPEA) since 2000. This year, CPEA is holding their first ever 5k run. The event is called Stride 2 Provide and it benefits CPEA, a program that rehabilitates men and prepares them for careers and independent housing.

ARS encourages everyone and anyone to participate in this event. This 5k is a family and pet friendly event; runners, walkers, strollers and friendly dogs are welcome to come out! The event will be held on Saturday, June 27 at Druid Hill Park. Registration begins at 7 a.m. and all participants receive a t-shirt or bandana for their dog. If you raise at least $25 in donations, your registration fee will be waived ($30 the day of the event). Prizes will be awarded for top male and female runner, top three highest donation amounts raised, top three highest numbers of individuals receiving $5 per mile and for the following age groups:

  • 15 & under
  • 16-19
  • 20-29
  • 30-39
  • 40-49
  • 50-59
  • 60-69
  • 70+

For a registration form, more details or to make donations, visit the event’s website at Stride 2 Provide.

Harvest for the Cure

Harvest fun began early at the Padonia Park Club on Sunday, October 18, when approximately 150 guests gathered for American Radiology Services’ (ARS) Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure fundraising event, which raised $2,400.

Music filled the air courtesy of DJ Zone (Lorenzo Holland). There were also fundraising booths from various ARS centers, including Annapolis, Billing, the Call Center, Corporate, Frederick, Information Systems, Marketing, Newark, Operations, Owings Mills, Timonium Crossing, Transcription, and White Marsh.

According to Larry Fuchs, ARS’ Race for the Cure Chairman, “we definitely wanted to provide a family atmosphere and encourage guests to bring children by providing pumpkin painting, face painting, a moon bounce, trick-or-treating, and several other children’s activities, and we successfully accomplished that.”

The Great Prostate Cancer Challenge

On Saturday, September 26, 2009, during National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, American Radiology Services sponsored Chesapeake Urology Associates’ Great Prostate Cancer Challenge in Baltimore. The event was a 5K Run/1 Mile Fun Walk, and all proceeds benefited the American Urological Association Foundation to improve awareness, offer screenings, and fund prostate cancer research.

The event was held at St. Joseph’ s Medical Center and offered free prostate screenings to men over 50, African-American men over 40, and men with a first-degree relative with prostate cancer. Lenny Moore, former Baltimore Colt #24, Hall of Fame member, and prostate cancer survivor, served again as Honorary Chairman. Governor Martin O’Malley, Mayor Sheila Dixon, Congressman Elijah Cummings and others also pledged their support.

The event was held at St. Joseph Medical Center and offered free prostate screenings to men over 50, African-American men over 40, and men with a first-degree relative with prostate cancer. This year, the event was hosted by Kai Jackson of WJZ TV. Lenny Moore, former Baltimore Colt, Hall of Fame member, and prostate cancer survivor, served once again as the Honorary Chairman.

In addition to participating in the run/walk, American Radiology Services’ staff talked with participants and provided information about the services that they offer. Marketing materials about the American Radiology Sports website (, which provides information regarding the cause, prevention, and treatment of sports injuries, was also handed out.Year after year, American Radiology Services remains committed to finding a cure for prostate cancer.

United Way Day of Caring

United Way’s Day of Caring is an annual event during which thousands of volunteers across America provide time and relentless efforts in order to make a difference in the lives of others. American Radiology Services’ 2009 Day of Caring initiative was once again a huge success.

On August 21, the 2009 Day of Caring, our employee volunteers visited the Owen Brown Senior Center in Columbia, MD, West End Adult Day Services Center in Westminster, MD, Therapeutic Recreational Riding Center (TRRC) in Glenwood, MD, and Sunrise of Annapolis Senior Center in Annapolis, MD.

Highlights from the day included painting a barn to house the horses at the Therapeutic Recreational Riding Center and playing bingo at the Owen Brown Senior Center, West End Adult Day Services, and Sunrise of Annapolis Senior Center.

Sheri Yancey-Butler and Shawn Phillip, the Day of Caring organizers, thank all of the American Radiology Services employee volunteers, and we are looking forward to the 2010 campaign.